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This story is about a finite planet that cannot continue to grow by 80 million people annually without significant detrimental effects. The current degradation of ecosystems, atmospheric changes, loss of species, and depletion of water resources inevitably lead to a point where resources are no longer adequate to support the human population without significant changes in the way we live.
Renewable Energies
Energy is one of the major building blocks of modern society. Energy is needed to create goods from natural resources and to provide many of the services we have come to take for granted. Renewable Energy is energy generated from natural resources such as; sunlight, wind, water, and geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished). Renewable energy technologies range from solar power, wind power, hydroelectricity, biomass and biofuels for transportation.

Air and Water Quality
By the 1960s it was obvious that pollutants produced by humans were overloading natural cleansing process in the atmosphere. The unrestricted discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere could no longer be tolerated. By EPA estimates, the amount of air toxics emitted annually into the air in the United States is around 4.7 tons. These come from stationary sources (factories, refineries, power plants) mobile sources (cars, trucks, buses) and indoor sources (solvents, building materials).

Energy Management
The residential consumer can save energy and money, while improving their home’s comfort and helping the environment by making their home more energy efficient. Energy efficiency is using less to provide the same service. For example, replacing incandescent lights with LED bulbs, uses much less energy to produce the same amount of light. Turning off a light is energy conservation.

Why Recycle? Recycling is a hands-down winner in terms of energy, resource use and pollution. It saves energy and resources and decreases pollution. What gets recycled? The primary items from MSW that are currently being actively recycled are cans (both aluminum and steel), bottles, plastic containers, newspapers, and yard waste. Yet there are many alternatives for reprocessing various components of refuse, and people are coming up with new ideas and techniques all the time.

Sustainable Farming
Before the advent of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, farming was essentially an “organic” operation. Growers kept livestock and recycled their animal wastes to fertilize fields. They conserved their soil, rotated crops, and practiced long-term, sustainable agriculture. However, that all changed dramatically after World War II. Farmers moved away from raising mixed crops and livestock. Thanks to rising market prices, larger machinery, and high-yield varieties, they turned toward large-scale production of grain.
Stewardship and Careers
Stewardship is a matter of everyday people caring enough for each other and for the natural world that they do the things that are compatible with that care.Numerous caring people are beginning to play an important role in changing society’s treatment of the Earth. Get involved for yourself, for your children, for our grandchildren. Help local businesses, organizations and individuals be more Green conscious. Get involved and make a difference.

Newsworthy Stories
Individuals, organizations and businesses are making great strides to improve our planet’s long-term chance for survival. We’ve collected stories from the media with details on these efforts.
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As Earth residents, human attitude and behaviors must change. For change to occur people need to be MORE AWARE and EDUCATED.
Globally, major changes are taking place in the atmosphere and climate, there is no letup in the accumulating evidence of climate change. The most profound change that must happen and soon, is the transition to a sustainable civilization – one in which a stable human population recognizes the finite limits of the Earth’s systems to produce resources and absorb wastes, and act accordingly. This is hard to picture at present, but it is the only future that makes sense. If we fail to achieve it by deliberate actions, the natural world will impose it on us in highly undesirable ways.
The Green Story is still being written. There is a history, a present, and yes a future. We are all participants in this story. Like many stories there are heroes and villains. The future will expose who were the heroes and who were the villains. We will all know eventually. Tomorrow’s children will know the truth.