About Us
We are a growing group of people working together to bring awareness, education, and stewardship to Green subjects that are affecting all of us now and in our future. This website and organization is about all of us and for all of us. Be part of this progression by sharing your Green story, offering fresh and innovating ideas, and voicing constructive opinions.
- We must work together.
- Yes indeed, more heads are better than one.
- Every person has something to offer.
- Be part of the solution.
As Earth residents, human attitude and behaviors must change. For change to occur people need to be MORE AWARE and EDUCATED.
Globally, major changes are taking place in the atmosphere and climate, there is no letup in the accumulating evidence of climate change. The most profound change that must happen and soon, is the transition to a sustainable civilization – one in which a stable human population recognizes the finite limits of the Earth’s systems to produce resources and absorb wastes, and act accordingly. This is hard to picture at present, but it is the only future that makes sense. If we fail to achieve it by deliberate actions, the natural world will impose it on us in highly undesirable ways.
The Green Story is still being written. There is a history, a present, and yes a future. We are all participants in this story. Like many stories there are heroes and villains. The future will expose who were the heroes and who were the villains. We will all know eventually. Tomorrow’s children will know the truth.